Dukto Download For Mac

Download Dukto for free. A simple, fast and multi-platform file transfer tool for LAN users. Dukto is an easy file transfer tool designed for LAN use. Dukto 2018 For Windows,7,8,10+MAC Full Version Free Download. Dukto 2018 is a file that is a device that is easy for LAN use. Transfer files in a single Computer (or another unit) to another, without worrying all about users, permissions, running systems, protocols, clients, servers soon simply begin Dukto within the two PCs and transfer files and files by dragging onto it is. Dukto is a program that lets you transfer all kinds of files and text to several devices, regardless of their operating systems. In short, you can transfer any file to and from Windows computers, Linux computers, and smartphones using the Android operating system.

Dukto is a handy cross-platform tool which makes it very easy to transfer files across your local network, without worrying about operating systems, protocols, permissions, security or anything else.

Dukto windows 10

The program has a very simple, Windows 8-like interface. An icon shows your current network name and device, and if a friend is connected to the same network, and also running Dukto (which runs on Windows, OS X for Intel 10.6.x or later, Linux, Android, there's even a commercial iOS version), then you'll see an icon representing their system, too. There's no need to specify IP addresses or anything else, the program just finds and displays it clients entirely automatically.

Clicking the icon for your friend's system will provide a list of options: you can send some text, specified files or folders. Or they can do the same thing on their installation to send data to you.

And once you've told Dukto exactly what you want to copy, it'll immediately get on with transferring the files for you.

There are a few small extras available, if you go looking. So a Network icon lists the network IPs Dukto has discovered, for instance, and an IP Connection option can send data to the address you specify.

For the most part, though, there's no need to worry about such complexities - Dukto just works. And so if, say, getting a friend's MacBook Pro communicating with your Windows network is a prospect you'd normally dread, this smart and simple program should prove to be a far easier alternative.

Version 6.0 includes:
•Update Qt libraries for Windows and OS X (on Linux the distribution provides Qt libraries);
•Added new theme colors and a color picker to choose your personal color;
•Added full support for iOS port (see Dukto for iOS project page);
•Implemented avatar picture support for Windows 8;
•Implemented full UTF-8 support for buddies’ name (previously it was only for text messages);
•Rewritten data receiving routine that should definitely solve some random and seldom stall while receiving data.

There's also now an Android version.

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Dukto is a well-designed tool which makes it easy to transfer files across your LAN