Download tahoma font with regular style. Download free fonts for Mac, Windows and Linux. All fonts are in TrueType format. is a great collection of free fonts. Yes Tahoma Regular is a standard Microsoft font. Why you don't have it is hard to say, possibly removed by some software that you installed. It can be obtained from your Windows 7 DVD or copied from a friend who has Windows 7. It consists of two Windows TrueType fonts (regular and bold), and was created to address the challenges of on-screen display, particularly at small sizes in dialog boxes and menus. Since the Tahomas are TrueType fonts, they can be rotated and scaled to any size, and anti-aliased by the rasterizer built into Microsoft Windows 95 and Microsoft.
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- RegularStyle
CopyrightCopyright (c) 2013 by AnthonyJames. All rights reserved.
DescriptionCopyright (c) 2013 by AnthonyJames. All rights reserved.
Regular - TahomaStyle
CompanyMicrosoft Corp.
TrademarkTahoma is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
DescriptionTahoma is one of Microsoft's new sans serif typeface families. It consists of two Windows TrueType fonts (regular and bold), and was created to address the challenges of on-screen display, particularly at small sizes in dialog boxes and menus.Since the Tahomas are TrueType fonts, they can be rotated and scaled to any size, and anti-aliased by the rasterizer built into Microsoft Windows 95 and Microsoft Windows NT 4.0. These features give the fonts significant advantages over bitmap system fonts such as MS Sans Serif.The Latin, Greek and Cyrillic characters were designed by world renowned type designer Matthew Carter, and hand-instructed by leading hinting expert, Monotype's Tom Rickner. The Arabic, Hebrew and Thai characters were designed by the Monotype Drawing Office to complement Carter's initial designs. Tahoma sets new standards in system font design. It is ideal for use in User Interface Scenarios and other situations requiring the presentation of information on the screen.
RegularMatthew Carter - L RegularStyle
CopyrightGenerated by Markus Schrppel
RegularMatthew Carter - R RegularStyle
CopyrightCopyright yl 1993 Oliver Jovanovic
RegularMatthew Carter - P RegularStyle
CopyrightGenerated by Metamorphosis Professional 2.03
RegularMatthew Carter - O RegularStyle
CopyrightGenerated by Metamorphosis Professional 2.03
RegularMatthew Carter - M RegularStyle
CopyrightPat Snyder 1797 Ross Inlet, Coos Bay OR 97420 Shware 11
RegularMatthew Carter - I RegularStyle
CopyrightGenerated by Metamorphosis Professional 2.04
RegularMatthew Carter - a RegularStyle
AuthorMark Simonson
TrademarkProxima Nova is a trademark of Mark Simonson.
CopyrightCopyright (c) Mark Simonson, 2005. All rights reserved.
RegularMark Simonson - fa-regularregularMark Simonson
- RZ RegularStyle
Version1.000;PS 001.000;hotconv 1.0.88;makeotf.lib2.5.64775
CopyrightCopyright 2018 by Rezo Zero. All rights reserved.
RegularMark Simonson - PC RegularStyle
VersionMedia Graphics International: Publisher's Paradise (TM) October 1994
TrademarkCommercial font Licensed by Media Graphics International Inc from W.S.I.
CopyrightDigital font data from The WSI-FONT Collection. Copyright (c)1992-1994 Weatherly Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution strictly prohibited.
RegularMark Simonson - overegularStyle
Copyright2002 all rights reserved /
RegularMark Simonson - Oz RegularStyle
CopyrightGenerated by Metamorphosis Professional 2.05
RegularMark Simonson - regularJoeStyle
CompanyJ O E B O B graphics
Copyright2006 J O E B O B graphics -
RegularJ O E B O B graphics - GorRegularStyle
CopyrightCopyright 1996-2002 Stefan Kjartanssod. Published by GarageFonts USA 301-879-6955
RegularJ O E B O B graphics - e= RegularStyle
Trademarke=(@) ()X ].
RegularJ O E B O B graphics - Tahoma V1Style
CompanyMicrosoft Corp.
TrademarkTahoma is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
CopyrightTypeface and data 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
DescriptionTahoma is one of Microsoft's new sans serif typeface families. It consists of two Windows TrueType fonts (regular and bold), and was created to address the challenges of on-screen display, particularly at small sizes in dialog boxes and menus.Since the Tahomas are TrueType fonts, they can be rotated and scaled to any size, and anti-aliased by the rasterizer built into Microsoft Windows 95 and Microsoft Windows NT 4.0. These features give the fonts significant advantages over bitmap system fonts such as MS Sans Serif.The Latin, Greek and Cyrillic characters were designed by world renowned type designer Matthew Carter, and hand-instructed by leading hinting expert, Monotype's Tom Rickner. The Arabic, Hebrew and Thai characters were designed by the Monotype Drawing Office to complement Carter's initial designs. Tahoma sets new standards in system font design. It is ideal for use in User Interface Scenarios and other situations requiring the presentation of information on the screen.
RegularMatthew Carter - Tahoma V2Style
CompanyMicrosoft Corp.
TrademarkTahoma is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
CopyrightTypeface and data 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
DescriptionTahoma is one of Microsoft's new sans serif typeface families. It consists of two Windows TrueType fonts (regular and bold), and was created to address the challenges of on-screen display, particularly at small sizes in dialog boxes and menus.Since the Tahomas are TrueType fonts, they can be rotated and scaled to any size, and anti-aliased by the rasterizer built into Microsoft Windows 95 and Microsoft Windows NT 4.0. These features give the fonts significant advantages over bitmap system fonts such as MS Sans Serif.The Latin, Greek and Cyrillic characters were designed by world renowned type designer Matthew Carter, and hand-instructed by leading hinting expert, Monotype's Tom Rickner. The Arabic, Hebrew and Thai characters were designed by the Monotype Drawing Office to complement Carter's initial designs. Tahoma sets new standards in system font design. It is ideal for use in User Interface Scenarios and other situations requiring the presentation of information on the screen.
RegularMatthew Carter - De RegularStyle
CopyrightCopyright (c) 1994 ImageLine Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
RegularMatthew Carter
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